Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analysis of print based adverts Essays

Analysis of print based adverts Essays Analysis of print based adverts Essay Analysis of print based adverts Essay Advertising is when a company is persuading people, the audience, to buy a product they are selling. There are lots of different sorts of advertisements; for example, there is television, the radio, magazines, billboards, buses, the underground and the Internet. Advertising affects our everyday life, because advertising is everywhere you go.  My first advert I have chosen, is selling hair dye, the product is Live hair colour in red.  My second advert I have chosen, is selling trainers, by Skechers USA. My first impression of the Live advert is that the colour red in an unusual hair colour to dye your hair into.  My first impression of the Skechers advert is that the trainers would suit everybody because they have a variety of different colours.  I found the Live advert in a Bliss magazine, so the target audience is for teenage girls aged between fifteen and nineteen.  I also found the Skechers advert in a Bliss magazine so, again, the target audience would be for teenage girls.  The Live advert is using informative language, because it tells you how the New Luminance Energizer works and how it leaves your hair shiny and glossy. The Live advert has also used repetition. The words Live and Red have been repeated a few times. They have done this to emphasise it, to make it stay in your head and remember it. The Skechers advert has used end stop lines Pure Fun! This is when a line is completed with a full stop. It marks the end of a thought, making it into a statement.  In the Live advert they have constructed the sentences so the main sentences are noticeable. They used big font and coloured writing, There is Red, and there is Live Red. The more informative sentences at the bottom in a smaller font, When is red more than just red?  They havent used sentences in the Skechers advert because trainers dont need to be explained, most trainers are the same and if these trainers were any different it would say so. In the Live advert they have used questions, When is red more than just a red? statements, There is Red, and there is Live Red and a statement of fact, Discover the secret or Red Luminance, with an intense pigment, the Red Energizer.  In the Skechers advert they have written Pure Fun! which is a slogan, a statement and an explanation.  The Live advert is very informative because they explain how the hair colour works.  The Skechers advert isnt very informative, but trainers dont need explaining. The key words for the Live advert, not including the logo, company name and the slogan is, There is RED, and there is LIVE RED, NEW, RED LUMINENCE and RED ENERGIZER.  The slogan for the Live advert is Live-Brings Colour Into Your Life. The company has chosen this slogan because if you want a different hair colour and you want to be different from everyone else, you would go for a colour like this, because its unusual and not many people have it. The slogan for the Skechers advert is Pure Fun! The company chose this because they want people to have fun and enjoy themselves when they wear their trainers. The effect of the slogan is that its short simple and to the point.  The Live advert has two girls and two boys sitting at the cinema.  The Skechers advert has a group of friends at the front, one of them is dancing, there is a DJ at the back and there is a girl watching a boy playing pinball at the back.

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