Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. And King s I Have A...

Individuals that could be described as icons in their respective countries have delivered speeches meant to change their thinking pattern and inspire change. In the course of doing this, these icons have employed rhetoric devices and figurative language unbeknown to some of their listeners. Tommy Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr. did these to much effect. The general idea is that application of rhetoric devices always serves a purpose. Some may argue that application of more rhetoric devices or less rhetoric devices is useful. However, this paper shows that despite the small or full application of rhetoric devices, if done correctly will always serve its purpose. Douglas’s Mouseland and King’s I have a Dream speeches are both persuasive speeches even though the former uses one predominant literary device, while the latter combines multiple devices. The objective of this paper is to show that no application of rhetoric devices – whether in large or small magnitu de or whether in combination or sole use – is superior or secondary to another if applied appropriately. A history of Tommy Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr. reveals that they were both heavily involved in their county’s political scene during their time. Interestingly, they both were Baptist Ministers who were involved in pushing for a social change, Douglas on how Canadians vote unwisely, and King on how America condones racial injustice. Perhaps the fact that they were parish ministers contributed to theirShow MoreRelatedLincoln And Abraham Lincolns I Have A Dream Speech956 Words   |  4 PagesOnce, a man named Martin Luther King Jr. asserted, â€Å"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.† Martin Luther King Jr. was an astute abolitionist who performed a vital speech called I Have a Dream. 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