Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Portia the Control Freak – Merchant of Venice

I couldn't imagine anything better than to compose a basic article about the job of Portia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Merchant of Venice,† hailing her as one of Shakespeare’s most prominent commitments to the general public of the rational; nonetheless, I locate this unthinkable after re-perusing the content. From the outset, I held tight her every word and was stunned at her mind, however later I saw her as simply one more Shakespearean psycho. Essentially, I comprehended Portia to be nothing not exactly a submissive little girl complying with the impulses of her dead, over-defensive dad. She talks as far as regard about the final resting place custom, and the peruser trusts her to be genuine. Later as her character s unfurled, the peruser sees a spouse in adoration with the husband who was insightful enough to gain her affection (and therefore her fortune! ). Be careful, delicate peruser! Try not to fall under the spell of Portia the control crack! The accompanying scenerios must be evidence that this lady isn't reliable! As a matter of first importance, let’s assess the scene where Portia and Bassanio are before the coffins where Bassanio must settle on his decision. The exchange legitimately preceeding the finding of the coffin is essential lover’s discourse, yet pause! Listen cautiously to what Portia says: â€Å"If you do adore me, you will discover me out† (III ii 41). Portia drives Bassanio to elieve that the decision he makes in the coffins is his own. She drives the peruser to accept that Bassanio’s love for her is the main power which prompts the disclosure of the right coffin. In any case, prior when Portia is talking about the arrangements for the coffin decision, she discusses music which is to be played while Bassanio settles on his decision. Alright, this appears to be guiltless enough; yet analyze the songâ€the initial two lines of the tune rhyme with lead! It doesn’t take long for the subtle prompt to be caught up in Bassanio’s mind, and the lead coffin is picked. This manipulative gadget is a sign to me that Portia has a need to cause things to go her direction. She is anxious about the possibility that that Bassanio will settle on an inappropriate decision, and in this way helps him. Point #2. Portia makes a method of controlling the eventual fate of the connection among herself and Bassanio. Portia gives Bassanio a ring with the words, â€Å"I give you this ring, which when you part from, lose, or part with,/Let it foretell the destruction of your love†. Obviously, Bassanio parts with the ring first possibility he gets. Portia later makes realized that the man he gave the ring to was her, and she continues to chide Bassanio for his absence of affection. Bassanio is caught! Regardless of cap he accomplishes for the remainder of their relationship, in his brain will remain the possibility that Portia is viewing! This is a shrewd gadget imagined by Mr. Shakespeare; in any case, it shows a specific fanatical, manipulative air about Portia. Well. Ultimately, I might want to take an endeavor. I was pondering before while perusing the â€Å"Merchant of Venice† why Shakespeare utilized the doppel-ganger method in his introduction of Nerissa and Portia. Nerissa follows Portia about and settles on similar choices Portia does. Nerissa isn't as brilliant as Portia, but then she meets a similar extreme destiny as Portia. I am thinking about whether Shakespeare could have utilized Nerissa to call attention to the manipulative qualities of Portia. The facts demonstrate that single direction that manipulative individuals feed is through more vulnerable individuals who maintain them and their qualities. In the event that anybody has any understanding on this idea, let me know! All things considered, there you have it. My actual emotions on Portia. Sure she is to be appreciated in certain perspectives, however maybe as every single extraordinary prime example she has her quirks and blames. On the off chance that anybody discovers anything about the previously mentioned parts of Portia’s character, if you don't mind let me know. I have had not karma discovering Anything about Portia on the web. Much appreciated.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Factor effecting staff turnover in hsbc call centre(uk)and how it is Essay - 1

Factor affecting staff turnover in hsbc call centre(uk)and how it is affected and related with work fulfillment of representative - Essay Example To improve the serious position, banks utilized cost-cutting weapons. They smoothed out their procedures, moved back-office activities, helped workforce efficiency and attempted to use however much as data innovation as could reasonably be expected. Banks rate overseeing client experience as the most significant factor of achievement (Wisskirchen et al., 2006). Call focuses are relied upon to give them this serious edge. Call focuses are the ideal exemplification of the ‘new’ administration situated economy (Moriset, 2004). Call focuses utilize the most recent innovation and along these lines empower a day’s work to be done in 60 minutes. These representatives are frequently contrasted with the laborers on the shop floor of an assembling unit. Call focuses in any country follow a similar method and have similar qualities. They generally have extremely level administration structures which give almost no extension to professional success. Occupation fulfillment is call focuses is exceptionally low which represents weakening and high turnover in the business. There is a solid connection between work fulfillment and staff turnover. In the event that workers are fulfilled and their requirements are met, it can restrict staff turnover. Employment fulfillment has been characterized as an attitudinal state which mirrors all the emotional sentiments that an individual has about the activity, refer to Biggs and Swailes (2006). This incorporates development, pay, colleagues and administrators that contribute towards fulfillment in changing degrees. The degree of fulfillment varies across changeless laborers and the office laborers. Many call places designate organization laborers with the goal that the parent business doesn't have the obligation of the staff. Lasting representatives become de-inspired when their association utilizes office staff however office laborers are utilized to forestall cutbacks and their duty to association is a lot of lower than the changeless workers. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs recommends that the essential physiological needs must be met first before an individual can look forward. Just when the fundamental needs are

Friday, August 21, 2020

Marketing Strategy for the Mars Ice Cream Bar Essay -- Business Manage

Promoting Strategy for the Mars Ice Cream Bar My Aims for this Report In this report I will concentrate on Mars Ice Cream Bar. I will explore how they advance their item. I will do this by examining how they promote their item, and where, just as taking a gander at how they bundle their item and simultaneously I will take a gander at where they sell the Mars dessert bar. Additionally I will be researching their primary adversaries and look at their promoting mix’s. This will give me a superior possibility of giving great recommendations on how they could improve their frozen yogurt item to acquire a bigger income and escape from their principle matches so they could command the frozen yogurt bar advertise. Foundation to Mars Mars professes to be the world chief in each market that it is in. This in incorporates marked nibble nourishments, petcare items, principle feast nourishments and candy machines. ‘ Mars has a yearly turnover in abundance of US $13 billion. Our items are expended in more than 100 nations around the world.’ In Europe alone  £20 billion is gone through consistently on Mars sweet shops,  £4 billion of this is from Britain. Of that  £4 billion, around 70% of it is on chocolate merchandise. They are thought of the world’s best oversaw organizations. They effectively rule the chocolate bar advertise as they own any semblance of ‘Snickers’ ‘Mars’ ‘Maltesers’ ‘M&M’s’ and ‘Twix’. Be that as it may, do they rule the frozen yogurt bar advertise? Mars frozen yogurt bar. The Mars frozen yogurt bar was first brought o...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The College Commandments

It is mid-October. The leaves have changed color, the geese are flying south and the temperature is dropping every day. A crisp breeze blows as I walk through the schoolyard at the end of another day, but my mind is far from the beauty around me. Another day of advice about where I should go to college is over, and I am exhausted. After fielding questions and listening to comments from teachers, students, friends, enemies, counselors, parents, casual acquaintances, longtime buddies and a stray cat who happened by, I feel more like a senior citizen than a senior in high school.For months, I have heard comments ad nauseum about where I must go to college in order to avoid being destitute. I appreciate this guidance, although most of it is unsolicited. Unfortunately, everyone seems to have a different idea as to which school is The School, the paragon of higher education. Combine this with my inability to make a decision about the simplest of matters (ice-cream flavor lists terrorize me ) and you have one confused kid. Not long ago, I thought I had a workable plan for college, but I received advice about why this was absolutely wrong from more people than I care to remember. People who had not spoken to me in years were suddenly full of helpful ideas. I was mauled at the mall, badgered at the ballpark, disturbed at the dentist’s office, and troubled at the theater. I considered asking my minister if it were rude to wear a disguise to church. I wrote down the number for the police protection program in case people decided to picket my house. I now refuse to divulge the address, telephone number, e-mail, or GPS coordinates of my house to anyone unless I am given an oath in blood that I will hear nothing about where I have to go to school. Despite these protective measures, I am still harried about the dreaded subject every time I set foot outside. I am now torn between home schooling myself, changing my name to Frodo the Hobbit, or moving into the old hermitâ €™s house on top of Mount Poc-O-Moonshine. Somehow, I will win back my right to college choice privacy!No one should have to go through such misery. College is - or at least is billed as - an exciting step, a thrilling adventure. Regrettably, these academic annoyances have made this step more painful than rock climbing with two broken legs. In order to point these well-meaning pundits in the right direction, I have assembled a list of ten points to consider before cramming college information down every senior’s throat:1) We have freedom of choice in this country, and despite what many seem to think, this includes college choice. Yes, we also have freedom of speech, which means you can voice your opinions on institutions of higher learning. Don’t be offended if the student you are advising also decides to exercise that right and tells you to shut up and go away.2) Happy is not spelled I-V-Y. Success is not spelled H-A-R-V-A-R-D. A person wishing to go to a college you have never heard of is not throwing away his or her life. Plenty of important people have gone to Ivy League schools. Plenty of important people have not.3) Money is important. If a student is considering the financial obligations as part of the decision-making process, he or she should be praised, not ridiculed. You say that $40,000 per year is no problem? Fine, you can pay my tuition. 4) Do not badger, bother, harass, harry, irritate, or otherwise annoy every senior you meet into a mental breakdown. Bedlam Asylum is not the place where any student wants to spend the rest of his or her life.5) Do not badger, bother, harass, harry, irritate, or otherwise annoy parents of every senior you meet into a mental breakdown. Bedlam Asylum is not the place where they want to spend the rest of their lives, either.6) Unless a senior is going to attend a college where Slit-Your-Wrist Night is the biggest event, let them follow the advice of Miss Frizzle of â€Å"Magic School Bus† fa me: â€Å"Take Chances! Make Mistakes!† For years, students hear that this is the time in their life to experiment and decide what they want to be. Why is it that seniors never hear this? News flash: students do not progress from age 17 to age 70 in a year. If they want to try something, and it is not going to cause permanent bodily or mental injury, let them try it. Most mistakes can be undone, and many potential mistakes turn out to be great successes.7) We are not reptiles. We do not throw our children out of the family at birth. Why, then, do people lecture about independence until they are blue in the face? If somebody wants to go to college close to home or even, heaven forbid, in their hometown, it’s okay. If someone wants to go to college faraway, let him or her give it a try. 8) The college you went to was (hopefully) the best fit for you. The college that a senior opts to attend is hopefully the best fit for him or her. That senior is not you. Please do not m ake that person live your life. 9) Do not make seniors attend every college night scheduled within a 75-mile radius. Remind seniors that â€Å"be-a-kid night† is perfectly acceptable, too.10) On the forced marches masked as â€Å"college tours,† do not make seniors feel like every step they take is the most important of their lives. Do not ask every question in the book or broadcast a person’s resume to the uninterested tour guide. Instead, try to make these visits pleasant. An occasional joke to ease the tension is acceptable. Even the most serious schools do not shoot you for humor. Side trips in which you take the senior you are accompanying to a site of interest or out to dinner are appreciated, too. Senior year is still a year in someone’s life. Why not make it enjoyable?When all is said and done, follow the guidance of President Harry Truman: â€Å"The best advice I can give my children is to find out what they want to do and advise them to do it.à ¢â‚¬  That advice never hurt any senior. If people start giving me advice like that, I won’t even have to change my name!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Essay

The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Today, technology is found everywhere in education.There are computers in many of the classrooms and schools contain computer labs, or at least numerous computers in the library available to students. In my paper, I want to discuss some of the positive and negative effects that technology has on education. Throughout my schooling, I’ve seen technology go through different stages of importance in education.When I was in elementary, I remember seeing maybe one computer in the whole school.Moving to middle school, each classroom had around two computers for students to use.The library had a small computer lab where computer classes were held and students could sign up to use them.High†¦show more content†¦It’s beneficial for students to gain some experience with computers before going to college or into the workforce.Computers are used virtually everywhere and not knowing how to use one or having a poor skill level can be a determining factor when looking at job applications and such. Evidence shows that when used effectively, technology applications can support higher-order thinking by engaging students in authentic, complex tasks within collaborative learning contexts. Many schools are beginning to invest more money into technological advances and/or starting more classes based on the use of computers. One of the major drawbacks of this is the cost. Computers and software are something that is constantly being updated, and it gets extremely expensive to be continuously buying new computers and programs.Another problem could be the teacher’s own inexperience.I had a few throughout high school that were convinced that computers were the devil and refused to use them.I know in some cases, teachers are required to take small courses so they at least know the basics like the students. New plans for student achievement such as ‘Closing the Gap’ are based on three key factors:the type of technology, the assessment of student achievement, and the changes in the classroom that relate to other educational factors.This third factor is pretty interesting.Because of the complexity of the educational environments, it’s pretty much impossible to change oneShow MoreRelatedPositive helpful Technology Essays1044 Words   |  5 Pages Our technology has led to the advancements in the health industry making it easier for sick people to get the treatment they need. Technology use being taught to children is a positive use for the future of education and is necessary for students to succeed in the world, with this education it enables them to be better prepared for the world that awaits them when they enter college and work force. Even the environment is impacted when we stop to take the time to research the things we use likeRead MoreImpact of Technology on Education1146 Words   |  5 Pages------------------------------------------------- Positive Impact of Technology on Education Technology plays a very important role in the field of education, especially in this 21st century. In fact, computer technology has become easier for teachers to transfer knowledge and for students to obtain it. The use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning more convenient. Talking in a positive sense, the impact of technology on education has been extraordinary. Using Internet and computersRead MoreThe Impact Technology Has On A Student/Is The Use Of Technology1367 Words   |  6 PagesThe Impact Technology Has on a Student/Is the Use of Technology in a Classroom Good? Technology has changed student productivity in a good way. 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These effects are positive, negative or sometimes even both. Technology impacts everything, but it has a large impact on the future of the environment, education, our health and jobs. The future of technology is moving atRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Society1007 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Essay: Impact of technology in our society There is no doubt that technology has been bettering the way that we learn and makes it more enjoyable and easier than ever. No more fear from going to school early, meet teachers and waste time looking for books on large library shelves. Nowadays with the modern technology people save time, money and energy. They can do a vast number of important things in brief time, with a simple click even while staying in their beds. Of course, not everything

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stanley Fish Save the World on Your Own - 1101 Words

Save the world on your own by Stanley Fish provides some valuable arguments about methods of education. Fish interprets some of the best universities techniques of education and provide a new concept or idealist way in his own point of view. Most of the universities’ mission statement has nothing to do with the universities’ role towards society. The interference of political, moral, and ethical views during the course of education affects a student’s beliefs and ideologies. Fish believes that the techniques of evaluating ideologies is what a student should be learning, rather than building a belief on a teacher’s point of view for example. Fish’s solution was not abandoning political issues in class, but adapting to the issues on an academic hand rather than always evaluating opinions overheard everywhere. The technique or way he is trying to approach is called â€Å"academicizing† the course of education. The analyzing of Fish’s argu ment follows the Toulmin argument technique, which contains of claim, reason, qualifier, warrant, backing and rebuttal. Fish claims that it is not the universities job to interfere with moral and civic knowledge of a student, but provide the information needed for the student to develop the skills for evaluating and conducting a free moral, political, ethical, or social view. â€Å"The job of someone who teaches in a collage or a university is to introduce students to bodies of knowledge and traditions of inquiry they didn’t know much about before; equipShow MoreRelatedAcademic Dishonesty Essay1197 Words   |  5 Pagespart of their lives, from their academic work, to their personal appearance, to their sexual expression. According to Stanley Fish in his work Save the World On Your Own Time, this type of education is not the university’s job, â€Å"the practices of responsible citizenship and moral behavior should be encouraged in our young adults, but it’s not the business of the university to do so† (Fish 67). If honor codes tread into this territory, it serves the exac t opposite of its intended purpose. Honor codes madeRead MoreCase Coy Story2754 Words   |  12 PagesPRINCETON, NJ 08543-0300. DO NOT EDIT OR ALTER REPRINTS, REPRODUCTIONS NOT PERMITTED EV I EW Several analysts, including Michael Savner of Banc of America Securities, peg fair value for Pixar in the low 60s, while a more bearish Rich Bilotti of Morgan Stanley carries a price target of 45. The bull case is that Pixar s earnings could double under a new distribution agreement, letting it net $3 to $4 a share annually. Put a price/earnings multiple of 25 on $4 in yearly earnings and Pixar eventually couldRead MoreCase Coy Story2763 Words   |  12 PagesNJ 08543-0300. DO NOT EDIT OR ALTER REPRINTS, REPRODUCTIONS NOT PERMITTED EV I EW Several analysts, including Michael Savner of Banc of America Securities, peg fair value for Pixar in the low 60s, while a more bearish Rich Bilotti of Morgan Stanley carries a price target of 45. The bull case is that Pixar s earnings could double under a new distribution agreement, letting it net $3 to $4 a share annually. Put a price/earnings multiple of 25 on $4 in yearly earnings and Pixar eventually couldRead More Christian and Pagan Influence in Paradise Lost and Beowulf Essay4093 Words   |  17 Pagespast against the new teachings of Christianity, the poet himself was put to task to successfully blend these religious ideologies in a complex yet effective plot that appealed to his audience precisely because they were attempting to reconcile their own beliefs. Although Beowulf most likely began as such a pagan epic, it eventually was expanded to include Christian elements, whereas Paradise Lost is definitely a Christian tale that uses classical allusions to remain connected to the epic traditionRead MoreExamine the Significance of Blank Spaces in Conrads Heart of Darkness?2902 Words   |  12 PagesThe books chosen as reference are Erewhon by Samuel Butler2, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad3, and The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle4. Written in 1871, 1902 and 1912 respectively, these books were published at the end of an intense period of exploration ‘in which Britain, like most of Western Europe, spilled out to investigate, explore, colonise and exploit the rest of the world.5 This upsurge in imperialism, coupled with the great scientific and technological advances of the Industrial RevolutionRead MoreTrouble in Paradise with Comments6022 Words   |  25 Pagescelebrating the joint ventures tenth anniversary. But as he gave Wind ier a quick rundown of what he intended to say - mostly about the joint ventures progress toward world-class qualityMike could sense his bosss growing frustration. Aboutfiveminutes into the call. Windier cut Mike off in midsentence. saying,Dont throw your shoulder out patting yourself on the back. Windier reminded Mike about the margins he was looking for across all of Heartland Spindles businesses. A 4% ROI is patheticRead MoreWall Street14268 Words   |  58 Pages He also meets Darien at a party that Gekko is throwing, and now that he is starting to make so much money, he can afford to go out with her, despite her very expensive taste. Unfortunately, though Bud soon learns the dark side of Gekko’s trading world, including his willingness to break any law, or for that matter, destroy any company, to make more and more money. This includes even the company where Bud’s father is the leader of the labor union, and for Bud, that is a bad deal that is just tooRead MoreCvs Comparation5058 Words   |  21 Pagesor pharmacy counters, they have to pass by chocolates, sodas, digital cameras, watches, toys, dolls, beers and wines, cosmetics, video games, flowers, fragrances, and greeting cards. Drug stores hope you use the one-hour photos services and exchange your liquid propane tanks there. The stores also carry seasonal items, e.g. Halloween costumes, and â€Å"As Seen on TV† merchandise, e.g. Shamwow. As a result, customers buy more than their prescriptions and medicine in these drugstores. Rite Aid sells moreRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words   |  30 PagesApprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1795–96,[8] or, sometimes, to Christoph Martin Wieland s Geschichte des Agathon of 1767.[9] Although the Bildungsroman arose in Germany, it has had extensive influence first in Europe and later throughout the world. Thomas Carlyle translated Goethe’s novel into English, and after its publication in 1824, many British authors wrote novels inspired by it.[10][11] In the 20th century, it spread to Germany, Britain,[12] France,[13][14] and several other countriesRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 Pagesmarket and that 1 of them is turned into a condominium. (a) Suppose that person A decides to buy the condominium. What will be the highest price at which the demand for apartments will equal the supply of apartments? What will be the lo west price? Enter your answers in column A, in the table. Then calculate the equilibrium prices of apartments if B, C, . . . , decide to buy the condominium. NAME 3 Person High price Low price A B C D E F G H 18 15 18 15 18 15

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Charlie Barber Treatment free essay sample

# 8211 ; Character Study Essay, Research Paper A Character Study of Charlotte Barber The novel The Charlie Barber Treatment is written by Carole Lloyd. It is about a male child called Simon whose female parent dies out of the blue. He is really disquieted and unable to acquire over his Dendranthema grandifloruom. When he meets Charlie Barber she truly cheers him up. Charlie has a large consequence on Simon. Charlie is a sixteen-year-old miss who is remaining with her Gran for the hebdomad. We foremost run into Charlotte when Simon bumps into her outside the local newsdealers in his little town. Charlie asks Simon waies to somewhere she can walk her Gran s Canis familiaris. Simon tells her waies to the downs but Charlie intentionally gets baffled and gets Simon to travel with her. Right from the first clip we meet Charlie we see she knows what she wants. She chuckled and the smile went all the to her eyes which stared rather straight and candidly into his. We will write a custom essay sample on The Charlie Barber Treatment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This implies she is really pleased when Simon offers to demo her the manner to the downs. We see she is complete control of hers and Simon s relationship, right from the beginning. I m non traveling up at that place entirely. Simon has a sudden sense of being out played. Here Simon knows that she has no purpose of allowing him travel. I think Charlie is a really independent miss. Who cares what other people think? She besides shows she is independent by being in the small town without her pa. We know that Charlie is rather caring from when she won t give Simon any sugar for his tea. She playfully argues with him. It s bad for you. Charlie is a really cagey miss. She has eleven O-levels and is traveling to university. Simon is cagey every bit good so they are rather good matched. Charlie and Simon foremost know for certain that they like each other when Charlie is at Simon s house. I needed to see you. Subsequently on Simon walks Charlie place and they hug and kiss. Charlie knows she is frontward and sometimes a spot pushful but non in a awful manner. Gran thinks I m really frontward and you re likely merely excessively polite to state me. Later Charlie besides says I m a spot pushful though aren T I. When Charlie and Simon are in the saloon she acts sanely so as non to acquire them thrown out as under-aged drinkers. Fancy inquiring tonight, she taunted him, when I m already taken for. This shows she is good at managing people, particularly grownups. Near the terminal of the novel we find that Charlie has to go forth early and this devastates Simon dut Charlie remains unagitated and amenitiess Simon. Here we see she is a strong miss.