Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stanley Fish Save the World on Your Own - 1101 Words

Save the world on your own by Stanley Fish provides some valuable arguments about methods of education. Fish interprets some of the best universities techniques of education and provide a new concept or idealist way in his own point of view. Most of the universities’ mission statement has nothing to do with the universities’ role towards society. The interference of political, moral, and ethical views during the course of education affects a student’s beliefs and ideologies. Fish believes that the techniques of evaluating ideologies is what a student should be learning, rather than building a belief on a teacher’s point of view for example. Fish’s solution was not abandoning political issues in class, but adapting to the issues on an academic hand rather than always evaluating opinions overheard everywhere. The technique or way he is trying to approach is called â€Å"academicizing† the course of education. The analyzing of Fish’s argu ment follows the Toulmin argument technique, which contains of claim, reason, qualifier, warrant, backing and rebuttal. Fish claims that it is not the universities job to interfere with moral and civic knowledge of a student, but provide the information needed for the student to develop the skills for evaluating and conducting a free moral, political, ethical, or social view. â€Å"The job of someone who teaches in a collage or a university is to introduce students to bodies of knowledge and traditions of inquiry they didn’t know much about before; equipShow MoreRelatedAcademic Dishonesty Essay1197 Words   |  5 Pagespart of their lives, from their academic work, to their personal appearance, to their sexual expression. 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