Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Essay

The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Today, technology is found everywhere in education.There are computers in many of the classrooms and schools contain computer labs, or at least numerous computers in the library available to students. In my paper, I want to discuss some of the positive and negative effects that technology has on education. Throughout my schooling, I’ve seen technology go through different stages of importance in education.When I was in elementary, I remember seeing maybe one computer in the whole school.Moving to middle school, each classroom had around two computers for students to use.The library had a small computer lab where computer classes were held and students could sign up to use them.High†¦show more content†¦It’s beneficial for students to gain some experience with computers before going to college or into the workforce.Computers are used virtually everywhere and not knowing how to use one or having a poor skill level can be a determining factor when looking at job applications and such. Evidence shows that when used effectively, technology applications can support higher-order thinking by engaging students in authentic, complex tasks within collaborative learning contexts. Many schools are beginning to invest more money into technological advances and/or starting more classes based on the use of computers. One of the major drawbacks of this is the cost. Computers and software are something that is constantly being updated, and it gets extremely expensive to be continuously buying new computers and programs.Another problem could be the teacher’s own inexperience.I had a few throughout high school that were convinced that computers were the devil and refused to use them.I know in some cases, teachers are required to take small courses so they at least know the basics like the students. New plans for student achievement such as ‘Closing the Gap’ are based on three key factors:the type of technology, the assessment of student achievement, and the changes in the classroom that relate to other educational factors.This third factor is pretty interesting.Because of the complexity of the educational environments, it’s pretty much impossible to change oneShow MoreRelatedPositive helpful Technology Essays1044 Words   |  5 Pages Our technology has led to the advancements in the health industry making it easier for sick people to get the treatment they need. Technology use being taught to children is a positive use for the future of education and is necessary for students to succeed in the world, with this education it enables them to be better prepared for the world that awaits them when they enter college and work force. 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